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TMI: The Stranger

Ashlee Cox • Oct 03, 2024

The story of how a waitress became a hero in the middle of a brawl and shootout.

It never occurred to Lena Belgrave, one of the Saloon Girls at the Gun & Tumble Saloon that her usual run-of-the-mill shift was about to become a terrible nightmare and she would find herself in the middle of the chaos, yet when a tall, mysterious man walked into the bar that is exactly what happened. 

In the book
The Stranger, written by prolific author Ashlee Cox, Lena immediately noticed that something was amiss with the man, who casually walked into the saloon, seemingly looking for someone as he made his way to the darkest, out of the way area in the establishment. 


Compared to the quality of her regular customers, he stuck out like a sore thumb, and she immediately knew he would be trouble…she just had no idea how much…

“He was a loner.

I knew that the moment I saw his silhouetted frame block the doorway of The Gun & Tumble Saloon, the late evening sun bathing him in its waning orange glow.

He moved further into the welcoming yet slightly outdated room; his footfalls clicked mutely on the hardwood floor as he casually, yet deliberately strolled past the patrons lounging and drinking at the polished bar, not sparing them or myself a glance.

Head straight, he made his way further into the belly of the room, passing the dinner section with their two and four seated table sections, moving past to the fun section of the bar where the rowdier patrons held domain, some playing darts, cheering and jeering with each throw, while the rest were engrossed in rousing rounds of varying card games.

I watched transfixed from my post behind the wooden polished bar counter as he walked over to an empty table at the very back of the bricked section, pulled out a repurposed wooden chair so that it faced the rest of the open room, sat and in the shadowy coolness of the almost deserted area, intensely surveyed what was unfolding before him.

He held the aura of someone who was looking for something or maybe someone in particular and that just added an extra chime to the mild alarm already going off in my head…

I just knew he was trouble.

After working in this establishment for as long as I have, I’ve developed a sixth sense about people”. - excerpt from The Stranger.

Lured in by the mysterious and curious aura of this handsome man, Lena was just about to head over to take his order and maybe casually flirt with him, hoping to learn some of his secrets when one of the patrons from the louder and rowdier table literally snatched her around the waist, hauling her against him.

Incensed, but hoping to defuse the situation before it could blow up, Lena  tries to reason with the man, but when her pleas land on deaf ears, seemingly to only fuel the man’s twisted imagination, her anger gets the better of her and she slaps the offending man right across the face. 

“Rage shot through me like a lightning strike, taking with it all of my patience with this brute when he audaciously  tightened his hold on me.

"Are you out of your damned mind?" I yelled, anger spiking through me at realising he had no intention of behaving, "Get your foul-smelling-self, off of me!"

He was still trying to grope me, pawing at me while I struggled when I swung my hand back and connected it with a resounding thwack right across his cheek, the impact stinging my palm and stalling the entire Saloon as the sound bounced off the walls, drowning out all the other noises.

Everyone collectively held their breaths, terrified, yet wide eyed, interested in what would happen next.” - excerpt taken from The Stranger.

But what happened next only proved to be more disturbing for Lena, as the man, spurred on by the obscene heckling from the men around his table, decided to fight back.

 He refuses to release, easily thwarting her attempts at escape and taking advantage that the big, protective bouncer had taken a small break, raising his hand to repay Lena. 

Cringing in preparation for the expected blow, Lena is shocked when it doesn’t come and she hears the voice of the man who would become both her rescuer and the catalyst for the series of chaotic and deadly events

With all hell breaking loose, Lena must use all her courage and skills to not only survive  this escalating showdown with guns blazing everywhere, but also protect her co-workers and patrons.

Will she be successful? 

And what is the true intention of the mysterious stranger in the first place?

When you’re ready to dive into a story with a brave female lead, a mysterious but handsome stranger and utter chaos, The Stranger is only a click away.


Click the button below to get more details and to start reading the story now.

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