Blog Post

TMI: Exploring The Praise Kink

Ashlee Cox • Oct 04, 2024

The story of how I discovered the praise kink and delved into researching everything I could about this new kink.

When I stumbled upon the term ‘praise kink’ a few years ago in a random online book, I was seriously intrigued and low key excited, because up until then, I had no idea that such a thing as ‘affirmation play’ even existed.

Obviously, I had to deep dive further into this concept, and share my discoveries with you!

The praise kink as I’ve learnt through my research has been gaining popularity with the netizens as more learn just what it is along with the many different forms it can be expressed and utilised,- particularly as a soft power in the BDSM world.

“Praise kinks are also used more often to offset the humiliation play, orgasm denial and prolonged edging sessions as it elicits a cathartic response from the Submissive that he/ she has been good and that goodness is being recognized and rewarded by the Dominant.

It also signals for them to further listen to the instructions of the Dominant.

On the other side of this communicative coin , I imagine that the Submissive’s response also signals to the Dominant their readiness to continue the play and the acts of submission.” - excerpt taken from Ashlee Shares: Exploring The Praise Kink.

So what is the praise kink really? 

In short, if you derive erotic pleasure from being praised, complimented, or enjoy receiving positive feedback then you have a praise kink, but enjoying the praise kink is not limited to verbal forms of praise, it can also extend to actions and affirming behaviours. 

For those whose love language involves words of affirmation, this kink is just another way of exploring a different kind of love expression- the spicy kind that when used right and with consent can set the bedroom aflame in the best way!

Since my discovery of it, I have noticed the plethora of ways the praise kink has been gaining popularity in media, and I’ve even seen it featured coupled with its cousin the humiliation kink in a few stories, so naturally when I launched
Ashlee Shares, the praise kink had to be one of the first things I explored deeply.

And I’ll be honest, this softer and gentler kink is one of my faves for a plethora of reasons that I’ll go through in better detail in Ashlee Shares: The Praise Kink, which is available in the Ashlee Unscripted Membership.

There are loads of different kinks, and
play in the world of sex, and my beloved praise kink falls under the category of psychological play which is exactly what it sounds like, involving emotions and the manipulation of those emotions.

“There are a lot of different kinds of kinks, and play in the world of sex and the praise kink falls under the category of psychological play, but is a serious 180 from the infamously known humiliation kinks.

Psychological play is exactly what it sounds like and it is play that involves emotions and the manipulation of those emotions.

This kind of play causes a submissive to have an emotional response and typically inspires cathartic emotions . 

This can be done in a variety of ways, but we’re only going to focus on the differences between humiliation and praise kinks.” - excerpt taken from Ashlee Shares: Exploring The Praise Kink

The praise kink like all kinks have those who enjoy receiving the praise and those who enjoy giving it. 

Those who enjoy receiving the praise love feeling validated and seen by their partner and feeling special to them, while those who enjoy giving the praise love making their partner feel good during sex by using petnames, giving validation and overall coaxing pleasing behaviours during intercourse.

 “The praise kink is about tapping into your partner’s need to be seen by you in that moment. It’s not even about the sex as I’m realizing, although if you do it right, that is exactly where you may end up, afterall kinks are things that provoke arousal.

Sharing your praise kink with your sexual partner is about creating a safe space and admitting to each other what you need from the other. 

It’s sexy to know that you are with someone who sees you as an affirming, attractive and intelligent person. It’s beyond hot to know that you’re about to share energies with someone who is open, and willing to pleasure you in different forms.” - excerpt taken from
Ashlee Shares: Exploring The Praise Kink.

Within the guide, I talk in depth about the difference between the giver and receiver of the kink, the differences between a kink and a fetish, more on how to enjoy the kink safely and of course share my own experiences with it. 

When you’re ready to dive into the steamy and spicy world of the praise kink,
Ashlee Shares: Exploring The Praise Kink is only a click away.

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