Ashlee Shares Working From Home Boundaries

Working from Home Boundaries

How can I actually work from home better?

 Ashlee Shares  how to set up and implement five healthy and necessary boundaries that will allow you to transition much more smoothly into working from home and not burning out.

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    I heard you’re distressed over implementing your work from home boundaries. 

    One of the many appeals for working from home for me was,  of course, not having to get up super early and get ready for work and the belief that I would be able to choose my own hours.

    In the beginning of this journey, I was lured in by the siren call of not having to wake up at a specific time, not having to do the ‘ work day grooming’ routine, including wrangling the mane I call my hair into a sleek ponytail, not having to don another suit and pack my work bag and figure out lunch, etc. 

    Rather, I could stay in my comfy clothes all day, make lunch when I was ready, work out more and then set time in the day to grab my laptop and work!

    Everything I needed was here at home with me and it was awesome!

    Sounds like heaven yes?

    And it was for a while, until things inevitably went completely out of control!

    Read all about this experience and the boundaries I've implemented for a smoother transition, that also allows me to enjoy my job, train my clients to respect me and my time and just enjoy my life again without the guilt or fear.

    Disclaimer: I am not an expert, a guru, or anything like that. I am simply a curious person who enjoys putting information together like a jigsaw puzzle. I am not claiming to be an expert on any of the topics I discuss, and I welcome any feedback or corrections that anyone may have.

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