Ashlee Shares Slaying The Stressors

Slaying The Stressors

Are you ready to slay your stressors?

 Ashlee Shares dives into how you can release your pent up emotions, be proud of your mistakes and use them to fuel the life you've always dreamt of.

  • About The Bundle

    I heard you were stressing over some mistakes and perceived failures you’ve made in your personal life, money and or your career. 

    Turns out you’re not perfect, you’ve fucked up and honestly you’ve also been fucked over.

    Babe, who hasn’t?

    The truth is that at some point in our perfectly imperfect human lives, we’ve either been the villain, the victim or the hero in a given situation and had to make decisions on how to go forward after the fact.

    Not all of our decisions in life have given us the outcomes we would have preferred, but there they are and there they stand, still impacting on our life stories.

    We have all made mistakes in life, but not everyone has the capacity to fully admit to and take ownership of them, or even understand what the mistake or failure is telling you. 

     Since you’re here, it means you’ve realized there is a more productive way to view your mistakes and even failures, rather than allow them to be the heavy chains keeping you locked in a shame spiral or freeze response.

     There are several reasons that you should be proud of all the mistakes you’ve made in your life and while that may seem slightly insane, it's the absolute truth.

    I can almost hear you asking: Why should I be PROUD of my mistakes?  I should be ashamed and feel guilt over them, not anything else!

    Especially since you feel as if these horrific events now define who you are, when it seems as if you can never live down what happened or when this mistake caused so much pain and suffering in your life and possibly others...When you have yet to forgive yourself for making them in the first place?

    Let me help shed some light on your gloom and doom by showing you why making mistakes is not the end of the world, just another character development chapter in your autobiography.

    In this bundle I’ll share:

    >> The Art of The Breakdown- There is an art to breaking down. I’ll share mine.

    >> Sometimes It All Sucks & It’s Ok- It’s time to stop judging yourself, accept what is and use it to move forward.

    >> How to Release Your Pent-Up Emotions- Those pent up emotions that feel so heavy on your chest can finally be expelled. Let me show you how.

    >> How My Epic Failures Allowed for a Fully Free Life- I went from the dream life to despair, then learnt how to live fully free. It wasn’t easy but it was worth it .

    >> The 4 Reasons You Should Be Proud of Your Mistakes- Never feel stressed out or chained down by mistakes or failures again. 

    >>The Transformation- The First Step vs Your 100th- Transformation is about consistency and conviction.

    >>The Day I Let Go of My Safety-Line and Dove Deep- My story on a day I chose to bet on myself and what happened.

    >> The Real Reason I Started Seeking Pain- If you also seek pain, this is for you.

    Disclaimer: I am not an expert, a guru, or anything like that. I am simply a curious person who enjoys putting information together like a jigsaw puzzle. I am not claiming to be an expert on any of the topics I discuss, and I welcome any feedback or corrections that anyone may have.

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