Blog Post

You Can Never Be Too Picky When Dating.

Ashlee Cox • Oct 07, 2024

The question of whether being too selective or "picky" is inherently negative has haunted individuals labeled as such.

They often grapple with self-doubt, wondering if they're being overly demanding and ungrateful, or if they're making life harder for themselves.

However, there's a crucial distinction to be made between unhealthy pickiness and a healthy level of selectivity.

Healthy pickiness is not about being indecisive or unsure of what you want. Instead, it's about gaining clarity on your desires and having the self-assurance to accept nothing less.

Boundaries and standards are vital in life, especially in the realm of dating. Being picky, in the healthy sense, has nothing to do with not knowing what you want. Rather, it's about recognizing what truly resonates with you and possessing the empowerment to seek it out.

Contrary to popular belief, healthy pickiness doesn't lead to a miserable dating experience rather, it can result in a fulfilling and joyful journey towards finding the right partner.

So, how does healthy pickiness lead to a happy dating experience?

 It all boils down to the principles outlined in Ashlee Shares: Unexpected Dating Protocols.

 This guide not only introduces a surprising practice that grants individuals the permission to attract their ideal partner but also provides valuable insights into navigating the dating landscape with empowerment and unwavering commitment to one's standards.

Healthy pickiness is not about being difficult or unappreciative.

 It's about knowing your worth, respecting your boundaries, and having the courage to seek out a partner who aligns with your values and aspirations.

When you embrace healthy pickiness, you create the conditions for a fulfilling and lasting relationship.



By Ashlee Cox 07 Oct, 2024
Your close friends can positively have a great impact on your life, helping you boost your self-esteem and overall well-being. When it comes to romantic partners, the situation is pretty much the same. You definitely know that you and your partner should have each other's backs and express your love for one another regularly and naturally, so the bond continues to grow stronger. A common misconception is that it's all about how long you've been in your relationship, but the truth is that just like you need to consistently tend to your pets and your plants, you also need to tend to your relationship. And to do that, one of the most important things you need to get right is your own loving, supportive relationship with yourself. You are a priority in your own life and this is the first and foremost relationship that you need to get right before you can even add another person into the mix. So, just like you make date nights with your partner, make sure you set aside time for yourself as well. Dress up and step out in style, after all, you are the one who knows what you love, what irks you, and you've stuck with yourself through both times of celebrations and despair. T he Ashlee Shares: Unexpected Dating Protocols guide will take you on a journey of creating dating standards that truly tick off your genuine list of awesome qualities, show you how to break the cycle of constantly dating people just like your ex, all while finding your own inner strength and love. Learn how dating yourself allows you to foster longer, more fulfilling relationships.
By Ashlee Cox 07 Oct, 2024
When you're ready to blow up your old dating type and bring in a partner that actually meets your needs, matches your freak and adds so much goodness to your life that you didn't even know was an option, I want you ask yourself a controversial question. Ask yourself: What was it about your exes that appealed to you? I'm serious. Take some time to think about what you liked about your exes. Be honest with yourself about the things you admired, found unique, and thought were a good match for you. Remember, they're your exes for a reason. Focusing on their bad points won't help you find someone better. But figuring out what qualities you really like, respect, and are drawn to can help you understand what you want. Once you know what you want, remind yourself that you deserve to feel safe and happy with someone. Then, start looking for those qualities in your next partner. You're the boss of your dating life. It's time to take charge and find the secure, fulfilling relationship you're looking for. If you want to improve your dating skills and find a secure and loving relationship faster, check out the Ashlee Shares: Unexpected Dating Protocols guide. It covers different types of dating, gives tips for making them better, and helps you overcome dating challenges. When you're ready to take your dating game to the next level, read the guide to learn how to attract even better partners. Get ready for a world of love, joy, and happiness as you start your journey toward the loving relationship you've always wanted.
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